60 research outputs found

    The Simplest Multi-key Linearly Homomorphic Signature Scheme

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    We consider the problem of outsourcing computation on data authenticated by different users. Our aim is to describe and implement the simplest possible solution to provide data integrity in cloud-based scenarios. Concretely, our multi-key linearly homomorphic signature scheme (mklhs) allows users to upload signed data on a server, and at any later point in time any third party can query the server to compute a linear combination of data authenticated by different users and check the correctness of the returned result. Our construction generalizes Boneh et al.\u27s linearly homomorphic signature scheme (PKC\u2709) to the multi-key setting and relies on basic tools of pairing-based cryptography. Compared to existing multi-key homomorphic signature schemes, our mklhs is a conceptually simple and elegant direct construction, which trades-off privacy for efficiency. The simplicity of our approach leads us to a very efficient construction that enjoys significantly shorter signatures and higher performance than previous proposals. Finally, we implement mklhs using two different pairing-friendly curves at the 128-bit security level, a Barreto-Lynn-Scott curve and a Barreto-Naehrig curve. Our benchmarks illustrate interesting performance trade-offs between these parameters, involving the cost of exponentiation and hashing in pairing groups. We provide a discussion on such trade-offs that can be useful to other implementers of pairing-based protocols

    2DT-GLS: Faster and exception-free scalar multiplication in the GLS254 binary curve

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    We revisit and improve performance of arithmetic in the binary GLS254 curve by introducing the 2DT-GLS scalar multiplication algorithm. The algorithm includes theoretical and practice-oriented contributions of potential independent interest: (i) for the first time, a proof that the GLS scalar multiplication algorithm does not incur exceptions, such that faster incomplete formulas can be used; (ii) faster dedicated atomic formulas that alleviate the cost of precomputation; (iii) a table compression technique that reduces the storage needed for precomputed points; (iv) a refined constant-time scalar decomposition algorithm that is more robust to rounding. We also present the first GLS254 implementation for Armv8. With our contributions, we set new speed records for constant-time scalar multiplication by 34.5%34.5\% and 6%6\% on 64-bit Arm and Intel platforms, respectively

    Faster coercion-resistant e-voting by encrypted sorting

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    Coercion-resistance is one of the most challenging security properties to achieve when designing an e-voting protocol. The JCJ voting scheme, proposed in 2005 by Juels, Catalano and Jakobsson, is one of the first voting systems where coercion-resistance was rigorously defined and achieved, making JCJ the benchmark for coercion-resistant protocols. Recently, the coercion-resistance definition proposed in JCJ has been disputed and improved by Cortier, Gaudry, and Yang. They identified a major problem, related to leakage of the number of discarded votes by revoting; and proposed CHide, a new protocol that solves the issue and satisfies a stronger security notion. In this work we present an improved version of CHide, with complexity O(nlogn)O(n\log n) instead of O(n2)O(n^2) in the number nn of received ballots, that relies on sorting encrypted ballots to make the tallying phase faster. The asymptotic complexity of our protocol is competitive with other state-of-the-art coercion-resistant voting protocols satisfying the stronger notion for coercion resistance

    MOSFHET: Optimized Software for FHE over the Torus

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    Homomorphic encryption is one of the most secure solutions for processing sensitive information in untrusted environments, and there have been many recent advances towards its efficient implementation for the evaluation of linear functions and approximated arithmetic. However, the practical performance when evaluating arbitrary (nonlinear) functions is still a major challenge for HE schemes. The TFHE scheme [Chillotti et al., 2016] is the current state-of-the-art for the evaluation of arbitrary functions, and, in this work, we focus on improving its performance. We divide this paper into two parts. First, we review and implement the main techniques to improve performance or error behavior in TFHE proposed so far. For many, this is the first practical implementation. Then, we introduce novel improvements to several of them and new approaches to implement some commonly used procedures. We also show which proposals can be suitably combined to achieve better results. We provide a single library containing all the reviewed techniques as well as our original contributions. Our implementation is up to 1.2 times faster than previous ones with a similar optimization level, and our novel techniques provide speedups of up to 2.83 times on algorithms such as the Full-Domain Functional Bootstrap (FDFB)

    Fast Privacy-Preserving Text Classification based on Secure Multiparty Computation

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    We propose a privacy-preserving Naive Bayes classifier and apply it to the problem of private text classification. In this setting, a party (Alice) holds a text message, while another party (Bob) holds a classifier. At the end of the protocol, Alice will only learn the result of the classifier applied to her text input and Bob learns nothing. Our solution is based on Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC). Our Rust implementation provides a fast and secure solution for the classification of unstructured text. Applying our solution to the case of spam detection (the solution is generic, and can be used in any other scenario in which the Naive Bayes classifier can be employed), we can classify an SMS as spam or ham in less than 340ms in the case where the dictionary size of Bob's model includes all words (n = 5200) and Alice's SMS has at most m = 160 unigrams. In the case with n = 369 and m = 8 (the average of a spam SMS in the database), our solution takes only 21ms

    Efficient and secure software implementations of Fantomas

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    In this paper, the efficient software implementation and side-channel resistance of the LS-Design construction is studied through a series of software implementations of the Fantomas block cipher, one of its most prominent instantiations. Target platforms include resource-constrained ARM devices like the Cortex-M3 and M4, and more powerful processors such as the ARM Cortex-A15 and modern Intel platforms. The implementations span a broad range of characteristics: 32-bit and 64-bit versions, unprotected and side-channel resistant, and vectorized code for NEON and SSE instruction sets. Our results improve the state of the art substantially, both in terms of efficiency and compactness, by making use of novel algorithmic techniques and features specific to the target platform. We finish by proposing and prototyping instruction set extensions to reduce by half the performance penalty of the introduced side-channel countermeasures

    High-assurance field inversion for curve-based cryptography

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    The security of modern cryptography depends on multiple factors, from sound hardness assumptions to correct implementations that resist side-channel cryptanalysis. Curve-based cryptography is not different in this regard, and substantial progress in the last few decades has been achieved in both selecting parameters and devising secure implementation strategies. In this context, the security of implementations of field inversion is sometimes overlooked in the research literature, because (i) the approach based on Fermat\u27s Little Theorem (FLT) suffices performance-wise for many parameters used in practice; (ii) it is typically invoked only at the very end of a cryptographic computation, with a small impact on performance; (iii) it is challenging to implement securely for general parameters without a significant performance penalty. However, field inversion can process sensitive information and must be protected with side-channel countermeasures like any other cryptographic operation, as illustrated by recent attacks. In this work, we focus on implementing field inversion for primes of cryptographic interest with security against timing attacks, irrespective of whether the FLT-based inversion can be efficiently implemented. We extend the Fiat-Crypto framework, which synthesizes provably correct-by-construction implementations, to implement the Bernstein-Yang inversion algorithm as a step towards this goal. This allows a correct implementation of prime field inversion to be synthesized for any prime. We benchmark the implementations across a range of primes for curve-based cryptography and they outperform traditional FLT-based approaches in most cases, with observed speedups up to 2 for the largest parameters. Our work is already used in production in the MirageOS unikernel operating system, zig\mathtt{zig} programming language, and the ECCKiila framework

    Security of Hedged Fiat-Shamir Signatures under Fault Attacks

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    Deterministic generation of per-signature randomness has been a widely accepted solution to mitigate the catastrophic risk of randomness failure in Fiat--Shamir type signature schemes. However, recent studies have practically demonstrated that such de-randomized schemes, including EdDSA, are vulnerable to differential fault attacks, which enable adversaries to recover the entire secret signing key, by artificially provoking randomness reuse or corrupting computation in other ways. In order to balance concerns of both randomness failures and the threat of fault injection, some signature designs are advocating a ``hedged\u27\u27 derivation of the per-signature randomness, by hashing the secret key, message, and a nonce. Despite the growing popularity of the hedged paradigm in practical signature schemes, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no attempt to formally analyze the fault resilience of hedged signatures. We perform a formal security analysis of the fault resilience of signature schemes constructed via the Fiat--Shamir transform. We propose a model to characterize bit-tampering fault attacks, and investigate their impact across different steps of the signing operation. We prove that, for some types of faults, attacks are mitigated by the hedged paradigm, while attacks remain possible for others. As concrete case studies, we then apply our results to XEdDSA, a hedged version of EdDSA used in the Signal messaging protocol, and to Picnic2, a hedged Fiat--Shamir signature scheme in Round 2 of the NIST Post-Quantum standardization process

    Verifiable Mix-Nets and Distributed Decryption for Voting from Lattice-Based Assumptions

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    Cryptographic voting protocols have recently seen much interest from practitioners due to their (planned) use in countries such as Estonia, Switzerland, France, and Australia. Practical protocols usually rely on tested designs such as the mixing-and-decryption paradigm. There, multiple servers verifiably shuffle encrypted ballots, which are then decrypted in a distributed manner. While several efficient protocols implementing this paradigm exist from discrete log-type assumptions, the situation is less clear for post-quantum alternatives such as lattices. This is because the design ideas of the discrete log-based voting protocols do not carry over easily to the lattice setting, due to specific problems such as noise growth and approximate relations. In this work, we propose a new verifiable secret shuffle for BGV ciphertexts and a compatible verifiable distributed decryption protocol. The shuffle is based on an extension of a shuffle of commitments to known values which is combined with an amortized proof of correct re-randomization. The verifiable distributed decryption protocol uses noise drowning, proving the correctness of decryption steps in zero-knowledge. Both primitives are then used to instantiate the mixing-and-decryption electronic voting paradigm from lattice-based assumptions. We give concrete parameters for our system, estimate the size of each component and provide implementations of all important sub-protocols. Our experiments show that the shuffle and decryption protocol is suitable for use in real-world e-voting schemes

    Privacy-preserving edit distance computation using secret-sharing two-party computation

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    The edit distance is a metric widely used in genomics to measure the similarity of two DNA chains. Motivated by privacy concerns, we propose a 2PC protocol to compute the edit distance while preserving the privacy of the inputs. Since the edit distance algorithm can be expressed as a mixed-circuit computation, our approach uses protocols based on secret-sharing schemes like Tinier and SPDZ2k\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}; and also daBits to perform domain conversion and edaBits to perform arithmetic comparisons. We modify the Wagner-Fischer edit distance algorithm, aiming at reducing the number of rounds of the protocol, and achieve a flexible protocol with a trade-off between rounds and multiplications. We implement our proposal in the MP-SPDZ framework, and our experiments show that it reduces the execution time respectively by 81\% and 54\% for passive and active security with respect to a baseline implementation in a LAN. The experiments also show that our protocol reduces traffic by two orders of magnitude compared to a BMR-MASCOT implementation